Session Replay

Session Replay (Beta)


Mixpanel Session Replay is the fastest way to understand the whole picture about your customers and make better product decisions, by combining quantitative and qualitative user insights.

When digging into customer journeys in Mixpanel’s analytics, you can understand “where do customers drop-off?” And now, Mixpanel Session Replay enables you to quickly follow-up with, “why do customers drop off?”


Currently, Session Replay is currently in invite-only beta access for:

You can join the waitlist for beta access here (opens in a new tab).

For any questions about Session Replay or beta access, please reach out to your Account Manager.

Using Session Replay

Session Replay can be accessed in two places:

  1. From User Profile page
  2. From Mixpanel reports

From User Profile page

In any user’s profile page, Click the ‘View Replays’ button to watch replays from that user. From here, you will be taken to our Replay Player.


From Mixpanel reports

Click any point on a chart for Event and Funnel metrics, and select ‘View Replays’ to view replays that show that event being fired. From here, you will be taken to our Replay Player.


Note: reports entry point is currently supported for Event and Funnel metrics only.

Replay Player


The Replay Player allows you to watch replays, as well as:

  • Expand the player to full-screen
  • Copy a URL to share with your teammates
  • Change the playback speed
  • Automatically skip periods of the replay where user is inactive

The Replay Feed on the left of the player also allows you to:

  • sort replays by recency
  • search for replays by user's name / email, replay date, or user ID


Our documentation on how to implement Session Replay can be found here.

Legal (Beta Terms)

Our Session Replay Beta Service Addendum can be found here (opens in a new tab).


Is Session Replay available for mobile?

To start, Session Replay is available only for web-based applications (including mobile web). We hope to offer mobile support in the near future.

Can I prevent Session Replay from recording sensitive content?

By default, all on-screen text elements are masked in replays. Additionally, you can customize how you initialize our SDK to fully control (1) where to record and (2) whom to record. For more details, please see our implementation docs.

How long are replays stored?

30 days.

Does Session Replay work on projects with EU Data Residency enabled?

Not currently, but we plan to add support soon.

Am I able to sample our session replay collection rate?

Yes, you can configure the percentage of total replays that our SDK will capture with as little as one line of code in your SDK implementation.

This out-of-the-box sampling method is random sampling: your SDK will decide randomly whether the currently SDK instance load falls into the sample or not.

If you want additional logic, like deciding based on certain criteria whether to record or not, then your application code can come up with its own yes/no decision, and then initialize Mixpanel with a value of either 100 or 0 (to force recording on or off for the current SDK instance load).

If you want to only record certain parts of a single-page application with no new mixpanel.init calls, you can also use our Start / Stop recorder methods.

How soon are Replays available for viewing after a session begins?

There is about a ~1 minute delay between when recordings are captured and when they appear in Mixpanel.

Can I use Session Replay with a CDP?

Yes. You can use Session Replay with CDPs like Segment and mParticle.

In order to use Session Replay, your app must include the Mixpanel SDK. Consult the quickstart to ensure you have the Mixpanel SDK installed, and the setup guide to make sure you have Session Replay enabled.

Once you have included the Mixpanel SDK in your app add the following code snippets in order to connect your CDP's data stream with Mixpanel's Session Replay.

Segment: Analytics.js

By adding middleware to Segment's SDK (opens in a new tab) we can ensure that all event calls include the session replay properties. We can also ensure that any identify calls are also passed to Mixpanel.

// Middleware to add Mixpanel's session recording properties to Segment events
analytics.addSourceMiddleware(({ payload, next, integrations }) => {
	if (payload.type === 'track' || payload.type === 'page') {
		if (window.mixpanel) {
			const segmentDeviceId = payload.obj.anonymousId;
			mixpanel.register({ $device_id: segmentDeviceId });
			const sessionReplayProperties = mixpanel.get_session_recording_properties(); = {,
	if (payload.type === 'identify') {
		if (window.mixpanel) {
			const userId = payload.obj.userId;
mParticle: Web SDK

mParticle's Web SDK has a .getDeviceId() method which can be used to retrieve the device_id (opens in a new tab). In the following example, we use this method to bind mParticle's device_id to Mixpanel's device_id, as well as patching logEvent and logPageView (opens in a new tab) to include session replay properties.

mixpanel.init('MIXPANEL-PROJECT-TOKEN', {
	record_sessions_percent: 10,
	loaded: function (mixpanel) {
		window.mParticle.ready(function() {
			const mParticle_device_id = mParticle.getDeviceId();
			if (mParticle_device_id) {
				mixpanel.register({	$device_id: mParticle_device_id	});
			// Patch logEvent and logPageView to include sessionReplayProperties
			const originalLogEvent = mParticle.logEvent;
			mParticle.logEvent = function (eventName, eventType, eventAttributes, flags, opts) {
				const sessionReplayProperties = mixpanel.get_session_recording_properties();
				eventAttributes = {
				originalLogEvent(eventName, eventType, eventAttributes, flags, opts);
			const originalLogPageView = mParticle.logPageView;
			mParticle.logPageView = function (eventName, eventAttributes, flags, opts) {
				const sessionReplayProperties = mixpanel.get_session_recording_properties();
				eventAttributes = {
				originalLogPageView(eventName, eventAttributes, flags, opts);

Appendix: Session Replay Privacy Controls

Last updated May 9th, 2024


Mixpanel offers a privacy-first approach to Session Replay, including features such as data masking. Mixpanel’s Session Replay privacy controls were designed to assist customers in protecting end-user privacy.

Data privacy regulations are rapidly evolving and vary considerably across states and countries. A consistent requirement across many data privacy regulations for website operators is disclosing to end users that their personal information is being collected, often in a privacy notice. Before implementing Session Replay on your website, a best practice is to review your privacy notice with legal counsel to ensure it remains accurate and compliant with data privacy laws.

How does Session Replay work?

Session Replay captures the Document Object Model (DOM) structure and changes to it. Mixpanel then reconstructs the web page, applying recorded events when an end-user completes them. Within Mixpanel’s platform, you can view a reconstruction of your end user’s screen as they navigate your website. However, Session Replay is not a video recording of your end user’s screen; end-user actions are not literally video-recorded.

How does masking and blocking work? What are the high-level technical details?

Masked data is suppressed client-side, meaning it is not collected in its original form by Mixpanel’s SDK, and the data is not stored on Mixpanel servers. Masked data appears in Mixpanel as [****].

Blocked data is similarly suppressed client-side. Blocked data will be rendered with a placeholder element (e.g., an empty box of similar size).

Configuring Privacy Controls

Mixpanel offers its customers a range of privacy controls to limit the data captured by Session Replay, summarized in the table below and detailed further on this page.

ElementDescriptionMask Everything Mode (Mixpanel’s Default)Mask User Input Mode
InputTextareas, selectMasked (cannot be unmasked)Masked (cannot be unmasked)
textNon-input textMasked (cannot be unmasked)Unmasked, with the ability to mask specific text elements
Non-text elementsVideo and image elementsBlocked by default, with the ability to unblock specific non-text elementsBlocked by default, with the ability to unblock specific non-text elements

Mask Everything Mode (Session Replay default privacy setting)

By default, Mixpanel attempts to mask all HTML texts and user input text when you enable Session Replay. This masked content on your webpage is replaced with [****].

Here is an example of what “Mask Text Mode” could look like:


Mask User Input Mode

Mixpanel empowers its customers to decide to record all non-input text as-is, while continuing to mask input text. Inputs are replaced with [****].

mixpanel.init(YOUR_PROJECT_TOKEN, {record_mask_text_selector: ''})

Here is an example of what “Mask User Input Mode” could look like:


With the goal of offering a privacy-first product, Mixpanel’s Session Replay cannot be configured to capture input form fields such as textareas.

Mask specific elements

You can tag the privacy level of an individual HTML element using one the following methods:

  1. For masking text contents, add the class name “.rr-mask”
  2. To mask the entire contents of an element, add the class name “.rr-block”

The example below demonstrates how you can override certain elements in your HTML to customize your masking:

<div class="text.rr-mask">This text is masked!</div>

<img src="" class="rr-block"/>

Note: while the contents of blocked elements will not be captured, mouse interactions above these blocked elements will still be captured, so replays will still display where users click on these elements.

Other Elements (e.g., images, video)

Mixpanel’s Session Replay automatically blocks video, images, and other non-text elements. In subsequent playback, this element will be rendered with a placeholder element (e.g., an empty box of similar size). Note: interactions above blocked elements will be captured (i.e., mouse-clicks).

Disabling replay collection

Once enabled, Session Replay runs on your site until either:

  • The user leaves your site
  • You call mixpanel.stop_session_recording()

Call mixpanel.stop_session_recording() before a user navigates to a restricted area of your site to disable replay collection while the user is in that area.

To restart replay collection, call mixpanel.start_session_recording() to re-add the plugin.

Additional Considerations

WebComponents that utilize HTML attributes may be ingested and stored by Session Replay, regardless of whether they are displayed in an individual recording as text. Customers should utilize the block functionality outlined above to the extent specific areas of a webpage should not be ingested.

Placeholder attributes in input elements will be captured and not masked.

User Opt-Out

Mixpanel’s Session Replay follows Mixpanel’s standard SDK opt-out setting.

Data Deletion

Deletion requests for Session Replay use Mixpanel’s standard end user management process for events documented here.

Data Retention

Mixpanel retains Session Replays for 30 days from the date the Session Replay is ingested and becomes available for viewing within Mixpanel.

EU Data Residency

Session Replay is not currently available to Mixpanel customers who use the EU data center. This functionality is coming soon.

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